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    A critical self-assessment of your CV can help improve the quality of your job applications. This guide is curated to help with the best methods to update your CV and make a powerful impression on potential employers in the sports industry.  


    Tip 1: Presentation is crucial

    A professional-looking CV can make a big difference to a recruiter.
    "Your CV is a statement about you, and its presentation creates a critical first impression. A clear and well-formatted CV reflects a detail-oriented and organised approach to work. Well-presented applications are sure to grab attention." 

    Tip 2: Cut the waffle

    Ensure that you cut to the chase and keep it concise.
    "Recruiters are always pressed for time, so prioritise clarity and conciseness. Start with your key skills and achievements, using strong action verbs and specific examples. Avoid generic terms like 'team player' or 'highly motivated' – these are baseline expectations in most sports jobs."  

    Tip 3: Blow your own trumpet

    Don't be afraid to flaunt your abilities and achievements.
    "A common interview question is 'What's your proudest career achievement?' It is advisable to showcase this in your CV's profile or personal statement. It's a powerful way to highlight your key strengths and convey your passion for the field." 

    Tip 4: Volunteering is good

    Lacking experience in the field in which you wish to work? Rectify this by offering your services for free.
    "Volunteer experience can significantly boost your CV, especially if you're transitioning into a new sports role. Volunteering for events provides valuable insights into event organisation, a skill highly regarded by employers in the sports industry."  

    Tip 5: Tailor your covering letter

    Having an impressive CV is all well and good, but equal attention needs to be paid to the covering letter.
    "A strong cover letter can be your ticket to an interview. Tailor your message to the specific role, highlighting how your experience aligns with the job description. Keep it concise and impactful to make a lasting impression to secure that interview." 

    Top tip: Utilise LinkedIn

    "Don't neglect your LinkedIn profile – recruiters often check them! An active and well-maintained LinkedIn profile showcases your professional network and demonstrates your ability to leverage online resources. This sends a positive message to potential employers about your digital savviness and commitment to your career." 

    Find more great articles to prepare for your new role in sport on our Prepare: Knowledge Hub

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