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It's no secret that the events over recent years have brought uncertainty and new complexities into our lives and careers. Despite these challenging times, at some point in your sporting career, you're going to face setbacks, it's part of the the journey. Maybe you'll lose a big client, maybe you'll be passed over for a promotion or even face redundancy. Successfully navigating adversity and seeing setbacks as an opportunity to learn and grow will serve you well in every aspect of your life, including your career and given these uncertain times, is more important today than ever.
Resilience is the ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity in any aspect of your life. Merriam-Webster defines resilience as “the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” Fundamentally, it's the ability to successfully adapt to life’s ever-changing circumstances.
It's a quality that all successful people share and if you want to build a successful career, you need to develop resilience. The good news is that resilience isn’t a fixed, elusive trait that only some people are born with. Anyone can learn to become resilient, anytime, anywhere. Here are five tips for how to do just that:
The first step to building resilience is identifying your triggers—those things that set you off and send you into a tailspin. Once you know what your triggers are, you can start to work on managing them. Maybe your trigger is being critiqued by your boss. If that's the case, start working on developing a thicker skin. Or maybe your trigger is feeling like you're not progressing in your career fast enough. If that's the case, start working on being more patient and setting realistic expectations for yourself
In order to bounce back from adversity, you need to have the right mindset. When something bad happens, don't dwell on it or let it get you down. Instead, try to reframe it as an opportunity for growth and learning. For example, if you didn't land job you really wanted, don't think of it as a personal failure; think of it as an opportunity to learn what it takes to get such opportunities so you can grow, and be better prepared for the next one.
Your attitude has a direct impact on your ability to bounce back from setbacks. If you approach every challenge or setback with a positive attitude, you'll be more likely to find a solution. Additionally, positivity is contagious, so your upbeat outlook will also inspire those around you.
One of the best ways to build resilience is to be prepared for anything that comes your way. If you know what could go wrong, you'll be less likely to be derailed by unexpected challenges. Anticipate problems and create contingency plans so that you can smoothly navigate any challenges that come up.
No one can go through life alone—we all need support from time to time. When you're feeling down or struggling to cope with adversity, reach out to your friends and family members for support and encouragement. They'll be more than happy to help pick you up when you're feeling low. In addition, there are also plenty of professional support resources available, such as counselling services or employee assistance programs through your company.
On the flip side, helping others who are struggling is a great way of building your own resilience. Whether it's offering advice or just lending a listening ear, being there for someone else will remind you that you're not alone and that things will eventually get better for both of you.
In order to be resilient, you need to take care of yourself both mentally and physically. When you're facing adversity, it's important to give yourself time and space to process what's happened and how you're feeling about it. Don't bottle up your emotions—allow yourself to grieve or be angry if that's what you're feeling in the moment. In addition, make sure to keep up with regular exercise and healthy eating habits; when we're physically healthy, we're better able to cope with stressors in our lives.
Life is not meant to be easy and those who are able to overcome adversity tend to be more successful in the long run. If you want to build a successful career you need to pro-actively develop your resilience. To build resilience in your sporting career (and in your life), focus on identifying your triggers, reframing your mindset, seeking out support, and practicing self-car and take control of your career aspirations.
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