As you are no doubt aware, the sports industry is highly competitive and building your career to get that 'dream job' in sports can take years of hard work and dedication to get in the position to reach your goals. However, if you're determined enough, with the right attitude, it's very achievable and provides a hugely rewarding career that enables you to work with what you love!  Here are some tips on how to do just that:

Find the right education

When you are looking for a job in sports, your education is an important factor. While a degree may not be required, it helps to have one if you have ambitions on becoming a manager or executive. Sports management and business degrees are among the most popular choices for people who want to work in sports but increasingly technology and analtyics degrees are highly desirable skill sets. Whatever you choose a degree related to sports business can help you gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in this field. Many employers also prefer candidates who have a master's degree in sports management or a related field.

If you decide not to attend university, you can still get the education that's necessary by undertaking self guided online courses, find an apprenticeship programme or aim to gain experience in the workplace and work your way up. 

Gain experience

Consider interning or volunteering with a sports team or organisation to gain practical experience and make connections in the industry. You can also seek out entry-level positions, such as ticket sales or event management, to gain valuable experience and build your resume.

In sports, there are many different levels of experience. If you’re just starting out and want to get your foot in the door somewhere, it’s important that you get the right experience

  • Volunteer. Sports organisations and clubs are always looking for volunteers to help out with various events and activities. If you’re interested in working in sports, this is an ideal way to get some experience under your belt.

  • Internships. Internships can range from unpaid to paid, but what they all have in common is that they provide an opportunity for young people to gain valuable work experience while gaining a foothold within their chosen industry or field of study. If there’s something specific about a job description that catches your eye, feel free to contact the company directly and ask if they offer internships or work placements—and don't forget that many companies will tailor their recruitment processes specifically towards students who want to intern!

  • Work experience (paid). Many employers also offer paid work experience programs; these allow graduates who have studied sports, business or other related subject areas (or even those who haven't) to gain paid experience. The great thing about work experience is that it can be tailored to suit your own needs; if you’re interested in starting out in a specific department within an organisation, for example, then it can be useful to find out if they offer placements within them. Alternatively, if you want to get an idea of what life is like working for a particular company before applying for permanent roles there then this could also be beneficial.

Develop your skills

In addition to your education and experience, you'll need to have strong communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills to succeed in sports management. Consider taking courses or workshops to improve these skills and make yourself more competitive in the job market.

Make connections, then use them

The best way to get a job in sports is to start making connections. They’re the key to getting jobs in any field, no matter if it’s sports or something else entirely. Attend industry events and conferences, and reach out to sports professionals you admire to ask for advice and introductions. Building relationships in the industry can help you learn about job openings and make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

If you want to get a job as an accountant, make connections with people who work at big accounting firms and ask them for advice on how best to get hired by those companies; if you want a job working as a sportswriter for ESPN, go meet some of the writers by sending them emails and asking questions about how they got their jobs or what advice they have for aspiring sportswriters like yourself.

Create a strong CV and cover letter

Your CV and cover letter should highlight your education, experience, and skills, and should be tailored to the specific job you're applying for. Make sure to include any internships or volunteer work, as well as any relevant coursework or certifications. Ensure that you proofread it all and eliminate any spelling mistakes or typos! This will show that you have good attention to detail.

Be professional when you get an interview

  • Be on time. Punctuality is a crucial part of being professional. If you're late, or if you cancel plans at the last minute, it sends the message that your priorities are not in order and that you don't value your employer's time as much as theirs. If you're invited to an interview, make sure you know how to get there—and give yourself plenty of time in case there are traffic delays.

  • Be prepared. Preparation for a job interview means having done your research about the company, knowing what questions will be asked and having practised how to answer them. It also means knowing about any potential pitfalls of the job (such as travel requirements) so that you can ask intelligent follow-up questions later if necessary.

  • Dress appropriately for an interview. Business casual is generally considered best when first meeting with people who are hiring for their organisation; only wear jeans or sneakers if it's specifically noted in an ad or posting that those items are acceptable attire at this stage of the hiring process—and then only wear them with something stylish enough so they don't distract from whatever else makes up your outfit!

It's not an easy sector to break into, but it can be done

There are a lot of different ways to get a job in sports, but it’s a competitive enviorment. If you put the hard work required to build your career in the sports industry, then the rewards are well worth it!.

Most people who work in sports do so because they love what they do and want to work with their passion. There are also some great opportunities for those who want to give back or make a difference by working with non-profits or other organisations that focus on social good through sport.

Find more great articles to prepare for your new role in sport on our Prepare: Knowledge Hub

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