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COVID-19 and your career: Job searching at a time like this

Written by Global Sports | Apr 7, 2020 7:35:30 AM

These are challenging and stressful times for job seekers and the sports industry is no exception. With the uncertainties of what the future will look like due to COVID-19, you maybe left unsure how to manage your career in times like these. The positive news is there is much you can do to support your professional growth despite the current unknowns and many sporting organisations continue to hire quality talent to help grow their futures. Here are the top tips to help you successfully navigate the job search process during these uncertain times.

Keep positive

In difficult times it can be hard to establish a positive mindset especially when it comes to planning and developing your career. Current unknowns make the future of the sports industry difficult to predict and you might wonder if now is even the right time to send out applications.

Career experts  advise to keep networking and applying but acknowledge the potential need to adapt your approach to the current situation.

Rest assured the sports industry will bounce back and it's important you keep apply for opportunities you would normally consider. Some sporting organisations will certainly slow hiring over the next few months but many continue to hire be it Sporting Federations, Governing Bodies, Agencies or future sporting event. Search live jobs here. 

If you do not continue being proactive in your job search you maybe gifting opportunities to others who land the job that was right for you. Career experts unanimously advise to keep networking and applying but acknowledge the potential need to adapt your approach to the current situation.

Time for reflection

In normal circumstances job seekers may jump at the first available opportunity. The current slowing job marketplace is a chance to get clarity about where you want to work, the type of role and title you're seeking. 

These are not ordinary times, and you need think outside the box to make potential opportunities a reality. 

Look to create a one-pager with your target sports industry sectors, companies, job titles, and specifics your looking for in your next career move. If opportunities are available that meet all or some of your criteria, you should of course apply, but otherwise consider identifying and focusing on companies that you want to work for and contacting them directly. While they may not be hiring now these are valuable connections and put you on a good footing when the market picks up. 

Many sporting organisations are needing to pivot their business practices to meet changing demand and market factors. By understanding your target businesses in detail you may uncover ways you skills and experience can support them when they need it most. These are not ordinary times, and you need think outside the box to make potential opportunities a reality.

Enhance your skills

Now is an opportune time to take a step back, gather intel and improve your employability. Time is probably what you will have more of at the moment. Between working from home and social distancing focus your free time to support your future career.

Now is the perfect time to do an online training programme to boost your skills, CV and increase your employability. 

If you are planning on applying for a specific job role, clarify what skills are needed to fulfil that position. If you lack any of these skills, find an online course to build your capabilities. If you are looking for your next job to be within a functional specialism, such as digital marketing or data analtyics determine the key skills employers want at the level you are aiming for and focus on building your knowledge through online training. 

Search Global Sports Training and the world of specialist online training programmes and find a course that is right for you. Now is the perfect time to do an online training programme, boost your skills, CV and increase your employability. 

Update your CV and network

With the financial challenges the current crisis brings, organisations will be less likely to take risks and be more focused than ever to hiring the right candidate. A a result your CV (and even your Linkedin profile) will be more closely scrutinised. There is always an opportunity to improve your CV so consider an update, ensuring your skills, experiences and personal qualities meet the requirements of the job, the company and the current situation. Highlight specific experiences that are more relevant now than ever before, for example perhaps you have experience in crisis management or leading remote teams which can elevate your profile. 

Also, master your video interview technique, these are now standard practice due to COVID-19, but will also be more commonplace afterwards.  Use video conferencing software as often as possible with colleagues and friends to get comfortable on camera and getting the perfect setup. First impressions matter just as much online!

Networking is a fundamental element of effective career development. With sports industry events cancelled for a while, you will need to find a new networking strategy.

Find like-minded professionals online be it via joining professional groups on linkedin and Facebook or by accessing your existing Linkedin network. Start a conversation, post and comment, be active and make meaningful connections that you can potentially reach out to and take the conversation further. It can be valuable to connect with hiring managers and build your connection with them through social interactions, such as commenting on a post highlighting how and why you found it valuable.  

Consider short term solutions

With fewer opportunities in the market place, it maybe tougher to find your ideal role. Rather than settling for something that doesn't meet your ambitions, consider putting your long term job search on hold and shift your focus towards short term options. 

"If you’re currently employed, think about how to make your job more palatable. If you’re not employed, don’t think of your next job as the perfect job. It might be short term."
Nancy Halpern, Founder of Political IQ 

The sports industry has many short and fixed term opportunities that can act as a valuable stepping stone to a more permanent role while gaining valuable industry experience. 

And finally, keep in touch

Social distancing and staying at home does not mean you have to cut your ties! In times like this it's more important than ever to stay in touch, with friends and colleagues and even potential future employers. Check in with hiring managers by email where appropriate but be sensitive to the current situation and acknowledge their likely work pressures.  

Now is a critical time to gain the competitive edge in your career in order to be in best position  when a sense of normality returns to the sports industry. Spend your time wisely!